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NextGen telemedicine: MedKitDoc closes €7M Seed round

Berlin/Hannoversch Münden, 29.12.2021 – The next generation of telemedicine is easier, smarter, and accessible for all: MedKitDoc, telemedicine platform from Germany, raises 7 million euros in seed financing. In addition to Vorwerk Ventures, Acton Capital, and existing investor Picus Capital, FlixBus founders Daniel Krauss and Jochen Engert are also investing in the digital health start-up based in Berlin and Hannoversch Münden.

To improve the access to medical care especially for chronical ill and elderly patients: by combining the MedKitDoc app with a network of trained specialists and their ‘MedKit’ – a set of certified medical devices, MedKitDoc enables a new way of remote and timely consultations. At the same time, local (family) doctors using MedKitDoc’s platform can examine and treat significantly more patients remotely, preventing unnecessary hospitalizations.

“Regarding our aging population, there is an urging need for innovation to ease a strained healthcare system.” -- Dorian Koch, MedKitDoc

“Our combination of easy-to-use hard- and software connected to local practitioners compensates for the weaknesses of telemedicine 1.0,” says co-founder and CEO Dorian Koch. “Our goal is to provide easy and timely access to high-quality medical care for as many people as possible and regardless their location.”

By deploying Bluetooth-enabled medical diagnostic devices like a blood pressure monitor or stethoscope, relevant data is sent in nearly real-time during the video consultation to the local doctors via the MedKitDoc app. Founded 2020, MedKitDoc has already established collaborations with over 50 care facilities in Germany (including Korian, Deutsche Fachpflege and Curata).

One-stop solution for chronically ill patients: “We will use the fresh funding to grow our team and further develop our software. We want to offer a one-stop solution for chronically ill patients with an increasing number of diseases and, at the same time, reduce the documentation effort for physicians. For example, all measured values from devices such as the ECG will be automatically integrated into the doctor’s letter during treatment, and the time-consuming documentation during treatment will be significantly reduced,” says Dorian Koch.

“Digitization has transformed numerous industries, but healthcare is still in the infancy of its transformation. Corona has had a strong impact not only on the number of innovative solutions emerging, but also on regulatory issues that are being resolved combined with an increasing acceptance for digital solutions among the population. MedKitDoc will significantly change the way chronically ill people receive medical care in the future. The start-up does not only think from the perspective patients, but also considers the feasibility for institutional partners such as insurance companies, care facilities and, last but not least, doctors. That’s why we are convinced of the MedKitDoc team and look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together,” says Sascha Günther, Principal at Vorwerk Ventures.

“Innovation in telemedicine and healthcare requires a combination of different competencies: Medical and software expertise, as well as a clear focus on the benefits for patients. This is the combination we see in the MedKitDoc team and we are very much looking forward to the joint journey,” says Christoph Braun, Partner at Acton Capital.

Founded in 2020, MedKitDoc is a German digital health startup based in Berlin and Hannoversch Münden. The founding team with the two brothers Dr. Benjamin Gutermann (Chief Medical Officer, former emergency physician and general practitioner) and Dorian Koch (CEO, IT specialist, former VW and McKinsey) as well as Nicolai Nieder (CCO, impact entrepreneur, former McKinsey) want to improve the access to medical care for everyone. The MedKitDoc platform provides patients with a device-supported telemedicine service. This makes it possible to provide digital, data-based advice on numerous illnesses, including serious and chronic illnesses.